Welcome to your foremost guide to Celestial traits, history, culture and more. They are beings of immense magic, beauty and terror. Some as old as time itself. Come, take in the splendor of these cosmic wonders. I recognize that there are other species out there called Celestials, the ones you'll find here only share the name.
Here you can commission customs, buy adoptables, learn to make your own and have them hosted here for others to see! If you want to make your own, feel free to DM me for a design approval! There is lots to come so check back frequently.
They used to be a closed species but are now open! Feel free to make your own. Just send them my way for approval.
In the meantime, enjoy your stay and if you have any questions please contact me here if you need anything:
Email: jayprawn_115@live.com
Discord: JayPrawn#0394
Tumblr: Devexus or Jay-pones
Twitter: PthumerianPrawn
Features to come:
Additional art assets and graphics
More in depth lore